Sunday, April 24, 2011

If I could start all over again

I don't really live life with regrets. Not that I am perfect and have made no mistakes but I feel that the mistakes I have made have shaped me into the person I am today. And though I don't like to run around bragging about my mistakes I do like to at least learn something from them. So today I am dedicating this blog to what I would have done different with food and my kids had I known at the start what I know now.

Food wasn't an issue for me with my oldest, she was a sick, SICK child and so she barely ate. Lucky for me when she did eat she liked fruits and veggies and still does to this day. My second and third baby who were 21 months apart, I feed them the way I thought was right and healthy. Although this way isn't necessarily "bad" it lacked "health" for the most part. I bought into the "rice cereal at 4 months, baby food in stages" gimmick of the brand name baby food companies. I am not blaming here, I was a mom who was responsible for my children and I didn't do my research. My kids grew happy and right on target according to their pediatrician. Babies 4 and 5 however I had a different approach with. Lucy #4 only nursed until she was 9 months (not by my choice the kid refused food) and then went straight to table food. She was repulsed by the texture of baby food. When she did go to table food I fed her different than the first three. One of her first foods was avocado, she still loves it to this day. Bananas, grapes (quartered of course!) broccoli, carrots she ate them all. So when Jorja started eating at a much earlier age I finally made all of my baby food at home. It felt so good to know what she was getting and knowing it was healthy.

The other day I begged my two "big kids" to try avocado knowing that they would love it like the rest of us. They refused...I was sad. I love it and it was then that I thought to myself, if only I had given it to them at a young age they would more than likely love it now. So does that mean anything you feed your kids as infants they will love when they get older? No! But half the battle for me is getting them to try something new, so if they have had it before, even if they don't remember, it is less scary for them to try it now. So feeding my kids more fruits and vegetables at a younger age would be my #1 thing I would do if I could start all over again.

#2 Would be to not introduce cereal, or at least sugar cereal to them. I love food, and I love cereal. It is the biggest thing I miss about being dairy free. For some reason Alpha-bits (my favorite) just doesn't taste good with rice, hazelnut or coconut milk! Cereal has always been a staple in our house and it was a very acceptable form of breakfast everyday no matter the ingredients or sugar content. It was even dinner some days when I was too busy or just plain lazy. There are some "OK" cereals out there but for the most part they have no nutritional value to them. I would have been better off to introduce it as a treat or special occasion type thing. I am happy to say however that we rarely eat cereal anymore. "Rarely" based on what we used to. Maybe two times a week and only cereal that is low on the sugar side.

I have recently heard 2 things from friends that made it all click in my head and give me one of those "ah-ha" moments. One was from my friend Jana who said "We don't need to teach our kids to eat bad, that comes naturally, but we need to teach them to eat healthy". The light bulb came on and it made total sense. It is easy to eat bad, why do bad things come natural to us? That is a whole different topic but YES I need to teach my kids how to eat well, balanced, healthy meals, they will figure out the "bad for you but tastes good" stuff easy enough on their own. Which leads to the second thing my dear friend Leah has started doing with her kids. When they want something to eat that isn't so healthy but is a snack food, like pretzels for example. She has them look at the nutrition label and see what a serving is, say it is 30 pretzels, she has them count them out and only eat that many. So easy yet I have never thought of it. I know I need help with portions and healthy eating habits. So to teach them to not just sit down with the bag and eat because they can but to be aware of not only what they are eating but how much,

So I can't go back and start over, which is good, I am not sure I have the energy for that! But to start where I am and make little changes one at a time to help myself and my family to be a healthier version of ourselves one bite at a time!

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea about counting out a portion. How many jelly beans in one portion? haha ha

    I've taught my kids to like/eat fruits and vegetables. They used to all love avocados and now won't touch them...unless they have to eat a piece of one to get dessert (fruit). So it doesn't always seem like they eat everything healthy, but I knew they'd be okay when my 6 year old asked me a couple weeks ago why some kids don't like salad. Yes! Success! They all eat salad and at least one tomato or piece of avocado if that's what's in it.
