Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The fire in my belly...eating food, real food!

Our health is so important. Think about it, it dictates everything about us. Our activity level, our ability to communicate and function properly, our attitude, our ability to travel, go to school, work, daycare, play dates and the list goes on. I have not always eaten well or even been concerned about health. I eat because I am hungry and it tastes good. I took my health for granted and I for sure DON'T do well when I don't feel good.

After my last child was born I was thrown into a season of life that changed how I thought about food. It was a slow change and one that still continues to this day. I was no longer healthy and couldn't function very well to take care of my 5 girls, that is another post I will do soon. So for these last almost 3 years I am more and more aware everyday of what is being out into our bodies. My husband still eats nasty processed dead food on a daily basis and I will not complain. Why? Because although I would love for him to eat healthy he doesn't want to, and he FULLY supports me in our girls eating healthy and so I will not complain!

  Today we made our second ever batch of homemade chocolate syrup. Hershey's syrup has been a staple in our house since forever. I love chocolate. I believe that God loves chocolate too...ok maybe I am assuming but someone once told me that in the bible when it says "The streets are paved with gold" that is really just the wrapper around the chocolate. Chocolate streets would be amazing!

 However if you look at the label of the Hershey's syrup there are SO many things not good in there. The sugars alone are over the top, check out the nutrition label. Not to mention that most of the sugar comes from in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Now you know me I am not against corn at all, it may be the best thing ever, well ok, only if you buy it at Bob's Corn! But the way they process HFCS is awful and basically is a chemical by the time they are done processing it.

So Lucy helped me make our syrup today. Isn't she cute?

It was pretty easy and has simple ingredients. I was lucky enough to use raw honey straight from our fields, but you could use any local honey or agave if needed. I made a double batch and am excited for how much it made! I use it in everything now. Chocolate milk, mochas, dessert toppings etc. It is healthy but we don't have chocolate milk everyday, it is still a treat but now I don't have to worry about my kids drinking toxic chemicals, which is important when 3 of my children react strongly to chemicals.

 Here is our stash.

I got the recipe from this blog, I am excited to see what other recipes are on there that have to do with honey!

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