Monday, March 30, 2009

Now who is the teacher?

I always thought growing up that as the adults we were supposed to teach our kids things...while that does happen at my house often almost nearly as often I learn from my kids. I have learned a ton from them over the years and wrote a lot of it much that someday I could write a book. So what does that say about me? Either I am still teachable, or I didn't know much to begin choose! The other night we had a business meeting at our church, not really one of the most exciting things in all of history. I was holding Jorja who is 3 months and she was sucking away on her binkie while someone was up front talking. All of the sudden they started singing and playing the music and you could tell she was startled. She looked at me like "what the heck?" and I smiled she smiled back. She started looking around like, "I am not sure what all of the noise is around here" it was loud I must say, not in a bad way just loud. She would keep looking at me making sure all way okay and then just keep watching what was going on around her, not scared, just curious.

It made me think, how often is that me? How often is there just a bunch of "loud" around do I respond? Do I look into the Fathers eyes and make sure that all is okay? Do I let him hold me in his arms when there is chaos around knowing that he will protect me? Do I get distracted by the woes of life and lose focus and get scared? Do I choose to climb into his comforting lap and have peace through the storm? I pray that I am able to have the child like faith to not let the storms of life get me down but to climb into his lap, look into his eyes and know that no matter what goes on around me, he has a firm, loving grip on me and will carry me through where ever life takes me.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring bait

Growing up we loved the snow...still do, as long as it stays in its correct season! But when we wanted it to snow we would make paper snowflakes and hang them in the window. We called it "snow bait", maybe we could trick the snow to come down if it saw its freinds in our window. So the other day Lucy was supposed to be taking a nap and she wouldn't lay down. She was in her crib for a good hour, talking, playing her musical turtle and looking out the window. Finally I went in to get her because she obviously wasn't going to bed. I opened her door just a little because I wanted to see what she was doing. I just stood there and watched and listened. She was so cute! Standing in her crib looking out her window she is saying "flowew, floooowew" over and over again. I finally went in and got her and looked out her window. There were no flowers out is then that I dedcided Lucy was my "spring bait" encouraging the flowers to come out.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Growing up

My kids are growing so fast! This week has been an eye opener for me in this area. For starters little Lucy Jo is the one I have noticed it in the most. She has always called my sister "babby". The other day we drove by Tabby's house and she says "Where's Babby?" How did she know how to put those words together? We drove the rest of the way home (all 10 minutes) and by the time we get to our house she is now calling her Tabby instead of "babby"...I am glad she can learn fast but "babby" was so much cuter! Clip used to sound like "blip" and shoes off used to sound like "shoo shoff". She all of the sudden this morning started saying "thank you" everytime she should. She has really never said it before even when prompted. She insists on doing things herself which can get messy at feedings.
She will not let anyone put her in the car, she demands to "load up" (which sounds more like "lo lup") herself. Tonight she wouldn't get in the car until nana came out and watch her climb in herself.
This all got me thinking about the other kids. Abi and Ellie have both started singing in the choir at church. For anyone who knows my kids and especially Abigail knows that is not her normal thing. Abi was actually the one who was more gung ho about it and Ellie has just now finally warmed up to the idea. They both sang in the choir together this last Sunday for the first time.

I went to both Abi and Ellie's confrence's at school on Monday and they are both doing so well. They make me so proud because even if they have an area that they struggle in they both get excellent scores when it comes to effort!
I was at Kylie's conference tonight...Junior High, I so remember those days. They looked a lot different for me than they do for Kylie. She is a straight A student which she didn't get from me! All of the teachers love her and she is going into 9th grade math next year even though she will only be in 8th grade. She will be earning high school credits for that class. I am so proud of the determination and drive she has. She pushes herself to do her best. She told me the other night that the closest she was going to college would be WSU and in the summer she was going to travel to forgein countries and see the world...oh and she will come home for a couple of sad that she will leave me in 5 years but so exciting that she has a dream. She almost always refuses to let me take her picture but I said I would post her hiding from me if she didn't smile so here is what she gave me...she will warm up the camera soon I hope!
And then there is Jorja...Porja as she has come to be known now. Lucy calls her Porja poor kids and all of the crazy nic-names we give them. She is my tank, she is growing so fast and is so chubby I love it. She sleeps like a champ and I owe her bigtime for that. She is such a happy baby and loves to stand when you hold her. Here is her sleeping angel face.

She really knows all of us well now and I love the joy on her face when you talk to her...her smile goes from ear to ear. What blessings we have!

Stone Soup

Last year when Abigail was in Kindergarten they did a "play" called stone soup. So a few weeks ago when we had sun Abi, Ellie and Lucy made some "stone soup" in the backyard. Sticks, rocks, dirt and any other nasty thing they could find was included. Whoever thinks Bob doesn't have "boys" is wrong!

Here goes nothing!

I want to capture memories of my kids. I often forget things they did when they were little and I am horrible at here goes nothing. I am going to attempt this blog thing. Come on our adventure with us!