In Ellie's class at school if you have a summer birthday you can choose to not celebrate or you can do it on your "half birthday". Ellie's half birthday came and went because I am a bad mom and forgot. She reminded me the other day and so I emailed her teacher as quick as I could and she let me bring in cupcakes. Her half birthday would have been January 21st...we ended up celebrating it at the end of March I REALLY forgot! So the night before I was supposed to bring the treats to her class she asks me "Mom, will I be 5 1/2 tomorrow or will I still be 5?" I didn't have the heart to tell her I forgot and that she was 5 1/2 a long time ago, so I told her, yes honey you will be 5 1/2. Someday she will know the truth when she is to bug to care.
Ellie sharing her cupcake with Lucy

Ellie with her half birthday crown...

The birthday girl close up
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