Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My "plan" for a food dye free Easter...

I am a planner and have formulated one for Easter. I am sure that this will not go off without a hitch, after all I have 5 kids! I am preparing myself for something to come up that I didn't think of and there to be a little issue with attitude maybe from one of my "poor candyless" children. But I will go on with my super mom cape and swoop down and intercept any food dye that may be tempted to turn my children into bi-polar, two headed, horned monsters! I hope you sense the sarcasm in at least the first half of the sentence, the second half, well that is reality I tell you!

Off I went to Trader Joe's today because at Christmas I was able to find some fruity colored candy that was all natural in its flavors and colors. Today was just as successful! I found Trader Joe's "Bunny Gummy Tummies". They are gummy candy with a liquid type filling in their tummies. The 7oz. package was $1.99, so I got 2 so there was enough to go around our house.  I have had the penguin ones from there before and they were great. I also found Trader Joe's Gourmet Jelly Beans, they have 18 natural flavors in the 15oz package and sell for $3.99. I had their 3 flavor/color mix at Christmas and it was good. They also had "spice drop type" candies. They were a citrus mix which I also have had before and I like them a lot. I don't know the price because I didn't buy them today.  I found all of these candies on the shelves about the frozen food.

So here is my plan, I am taking my kids to our church, Canyon Creek Church  www.canyoncreekonline.com (for any of you who want to join us)  for the Easter egg hunt and I plan on letting them hunt with everyone. After the hunt we will find one or two eggs that are chocolate with no dye in them and let them eat them. Then they don't get anymore candy until we get home. Once we get home I will help my kids (especially the babies) go through their eggs and keep all of the "approved" candy and then the stuff with dye will stay in its egg and be given to me. My plan is then to empty out all of the dye filled candy and refill the eggs with the new candy I got today. I will then have a second egg hunt for them at my house with the newly filled eggs. My kids are the kind of kids that will re hide eggs 80 times even when they are empty so I know they will enjoy it. I am hoping this alleviates any of the big issues.

I would love to hear any ideas anyone else has so please share!


  1. Best wishes! I think it could work. As I think about Easter and candy and dyes, I think I'll start weaning them from dyes slowly...and won't start this week. They already have limited candy intake (eating it on holidays and family birthdays) and I don't want a full on mutiny for this holiday...especially since I haven't said much about food dyes previously.

    I did give my oldest (7 years old) a little lesson on nitrates/ites the other day at the store, though. We were making pizza for dinner and he wanted pepperoni. He was upset I wouldn't buy any. Then I found a rack with 4 or 5 different kinds and ONE was nitrate/ite free. Yes! So he was happy he got what he wanted and I was happy I got what I wanted. A lesson that we can all be happy :o).

    One question though, does the TJ's candy have high fructose corn syrup in it?

  2. No HFC. I agree, pick your battles and start slow! What pepperoni was it?
