So this last November I got a cold, annoying, draining but just a cold. By Thanksgiving it was almost over, soon after Thanksgiving I get another cold. More annoying this time. And by Christmas I had my 3rd cold. My friend on FB talked about thieves oil and I didn't know what that was but she had good success putting it on her children's chest and feet when they were starting to feel sick. In the morning they would be all better. I had to investigate what this was she was talking about. Long story short back in the bible days thieves would go into peoples houses that had died of the plague and steal their stuff. But in order to not get the same sickness the people in the house had died from they would rub a mix of 4 different essential oils on their bodies. I was intrigued enough to I went to the local co-op and got some and put it on. I went to bed and when I woke up all of my cold symptoms except the runny nose was gone. I ended up having that runny nose the duration of what my cold would have lasted, but no lethargy, tiredness, congestion etc. I thought their might be something to these oils. Before this incident I had used oils but really only to make my house smell pretty.
In January my friend Leah invited me to an "oils class" and since I had previously used oils with good results I thought I should go and see what they had to say. I was intrigued by what they had to say and a lot of it made sense. For example, essential oils come from plants which our body sees as food and so instead of fighting off the oils (like it does with man made chemicals) our body accepts it and absorbs it on the cellular level. So we now have natural plant matter that can help our bodies heal being absorbed INTO our cells. Hmmm, So I decide with my husbands permission to order some oils. The class I went to that night was put on by a company called
DoTerra. There are many oil companies out there and there are many oils that are great and will work. What I like about DoTerra is that their essential oils are CPTG which mean Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, their oils are pure enough to be ingested. They test their oils a minimum of 4 times before they will sell them to anyone. Now I am not a picky person for the most part, but I get snobby about a few things, I only like Jif peanut butter, not Skippy, and I will only use miracle whip not mayo, oh and if I am ingesting something or putting something on my skin (the largest organ on (in) our body I want it to be the best of the best. So I use exclusively DoTerra oils now.
I need to share some success stories I have had with oils, I can't share them all or we will be here all night. First test was Abi got a cough shortly after I got my oils. One of the oils I ordered was called "Breathe" which is a blend of a few different oils. It is good for a lot of things but a cough is one of the things it help. So Abi is coughing and wakes me up in the middle of the night. I decided to try the oils and so I put one drop of breathe on her chest and she stopped coughing for 4 hours! Needless to say at that moment cough syrup was out the window and Breathe was all I used on her for the rest of her illness.
I have been using oils regularly since January and have seen dramatic results. I have for the last three years of food intolerance's been thinking in my head how did they fix ear infections, coughs, headaches back in the day before antibiotics were around? I mean really did they get an ear infection or yeast infection and have it for the rest of their life? What about bronchitis or strep? I have never heard of anyone having strep and it lasting for the rest of their life. So I thought of the stinging nettle plant that causes itchy, stinging rash and how everywhere in nature that stinging nettles grow the fern that counteracts them grows right next to it. God is smart, he made and designed everything for a purpose (Still wondering what the purpose of mosquitoes are though). So it only stands to reason that back in the day there was something in nature that could help.
As a mom their have been SO many times my kids have been sick and there was nothing I could do for them and felt so helpless. It is a horrible feeling. Kylie has been such a sick kid her whole life, although mainly when she was little. Obviously no oil would fix her heart and I believe there is a place and time for modern medicine (as I have used it many times before) but I also believe we abuse medicine as a whole in this country. I just talked to a friend tonight who was having some skin issues and her doctor said to her "I am not sure what is going on but just take this prednisone". WHAT? If you don't know what it is let's dig deeper and find out! I crave to know the "why" behind everything. I feel as if we (people in general and yes I am guilty too) want a quick fix, we feel like crap and we just want to feel better so we treat the symptom not the root. We don't want to or don't know how to fix the root of the problem. Maybe it is too messy to get to the root but as anyone who has done any weeding before knows, if you don't get to the root the weed keeps coming back again and again no matter how much chemical we put on it. Wow that was a soap box!
Ok back to the feeling helpless when my kids are ill. Abi, she gets migraines. Kylie did at her age too for about 2 years and they went away. I am pretty convinced it is the puberty change. Needless to say when your kid once a month out of no where gets a headache that comes on fast and furious it isn't fun. For Abi it always starts in her nose. She will randomly start crying and say her nose hurts. At first when this started happening we thought she was being drama, then she puked and we knew she was serious! Anyway the cycle begins like this each time, her nose hurts, then she gets hot and sweaty and then chills, she falls asleep then wakes up and pukes and the cycle starts over. This last about 8 hours with the cycle starting over about every hour. It sucks! So the last time she got a migraine it came on right before bed. Bob was out of town, it was a Saturday night and it was my turn to volunteer in kids church the next day. I HATE not following through on commitments but if she was sick I wouldn't have a choice, I would have to stay home. So I looked in my trusty oils book and saw that "
Deep Blue" a blend of oils was recommended for migraine's. It said to put on her temples and forehead and down both sides of the back of her neck. I did that and then put "
On guard" which is another oil blend from DoTerra which is kind of a protective blend if you will. One that is suppose to help fight things off. I put that on her just in case she really had the flu and not a migraine, I wasn't taking chances. I also put lavender essential oil on her back and kind of gave her a back massage. Lavender is relaxing. So I did all of that because I was still new to all of this and I honestly didn't know if it was going to work but I figured it couldn't hurt and selfishly it made me feel like a better mom for trying something. I went to bed right away because I knew it was going to be a long night of getting up every hour. Imagine my surprise when I woke up...THE NEXT MORNING!!!! She didn't wake up at all that night, didn't puke AND slept through the night. On a normal night she wakes up a lot (insomnia? There is an oil for that too!) I couldn't believe that after 2 years of watching her suffer almost every month with these 8 hour migraines and no way to help her that a few essential oils would do the trick! Yep, I am a believer!
I would be sold if that was all they did, but wait there is more! Yes I intended that to sound like an infomercial. It has helped my kids sleep better. Lavender helps with that but the blend called "
serenity" does too. Abi used to take a melatonin every night just to sleep. Now we rub 1 drop of serenity on her and it has the same effect. I noticed the biggest difference in Jorja, our little Tasmanian Devil who is up about 6:15 every morning without fail. I started giving her a back rub at night with some serenity in it and the first time she slept until 8am the next morning. She usually only does that when she is sick. She now wakes up at about 7:30 every morning when I rub her back with the oil.
My mom, sweet mom. She burnt her finger pretty good a few weeks ago, we won't talk how just that she did it. Anyway I went to her work and she had a bandaid on her finger and was quite vocal about her pain, she would randomly gets shooting pains in her finger not to mention it just hurting non stop. I asked if she wanted me to get the lavender, and she HATES the smell of lavender but she was in so much pain she didn't care. I put it on, just one drop and then that gave her something to distract from the pain because now she had to smell something she hated. Anyway she emailed me later that night, maybe 7 hours after I put the oil on and said her finger didn't hurt anymore even if she pushed on it really hard! Yay! Oh but to top if off the next morning all of the liquid in her blister was gone. All from one drop of oil. That is it for story telling but oils have helped us here at my house with my headaches, attitude boosters, cuts, pain, muscle stiffness, digestion issues, mosquito bites and a ton of cleaning uses! Not to mention the flu.
My friend Leah who introduced me to DoTerra oils sells then as a business. I have always said I don't have time and don't want to do that but the more I use them and the more they help heal my family I just can't shut about it and have to consider selling them myself. Why not let my sharing help pay for my own oils? It is something I am considering strongly, they are definitely something I can get behind and something I believe in.
Like I said before I like the DoTerra brand because they are so pure, but why do I like oils besides all of the reasons listed above? Simple. This earth and everything in and on it was created, created by an all knowing, all loving God. Everything has its time, place and purpose. Not by happenstance but by divine appointment. So when God created the lavender flower and all of the compounds that he put into that plant he did it with us in mind I am convinced. He created us and he created us to live in harmony with the plants. Those plants are gifts to us from him. Not only do they look beautiful and smell beautiful but they help heal us. He never fails to continue to amaze me. So even though I feel that oils are pretty miraculous things, I know that they work because our God created them that way. Just like you and I were created for a God given purpose all of these plants were created for a God given purpose too, for us!
The only thing I am left to wonder is WHY did our ancestors ever stop using them and turn to chemicals to do a worse job? Some things I guess I will never understand! If you are interested in oils let me know I go to classes often to keep learning more, maybe you can join me at one.
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