Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The sweet little words

My kids grow so fast. I love how they form words when they are learning to talk and the cute things they say. Lucy today played ow-side (outside) and kept asking me to fween (swing) her. As we were doing our bedtime routine she told me "shunshine" so that I would sing her "You are my sunshine". She asks to sing "e-i-e-i-o" which we all know is "Old McDonald" and when you sing the "with a moo moo here and a moo moo there" she sings "moo moo" non stop until you are done with that line. So cute. When I put her in her crib and tell her good night she says "I luj you" I really need to record her little voice because I know I will forget it someday.

When I was asking Ellie what she wanted in her lunch tomorrow she said the infamous "meat falomy sandwich". Abi and Ellie both ask for that all of the time. I am not sure how they came up with it. The only thing I can figure is my nephew Isaiah used to have bologna sandwiches all of the time and they somehow translated it into meal falomy...which is ANY kind of sandwich with meat on it. LOL...ham, turkey, chicken it is all the same to them!

All of this got me thinking about what the other kids did when they were young. When Kylie was 2 if you asked her how old she was she always insisted she was "Seben!" Abi called the TV remote the "mote". They have all called my mom different versions of the same thing, nama, ama, mama...Jorja so far just coo's but when we were in the car the other day all five of them were talking at that was OS for me!

I was a proud mommy today in the grocery store as I was counting (coupons of course!) I could to seven outloud (I talk to myself often outloud) and when I stopped Lucy continued on 8,9,10,11,12,13,11...I was surprised she knew that much...thank you Elmo, it has paid off!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mommy's little helper

Lucy and I spend the days together while the three oldest are at school and the baby is napping. We play but we often do chores too. She LOVES to do the laundry...I hope that lasts! Anyway everytime the clothes in the dryer are ready to be folded she will hand them to me, and tell me who the piece belongs to. For example she will hand me a shirt and say "Ellie, shirt" it is quite adorable. She also is an avid lint filter cleaner. My dryer will never catch on fire do to the lint filter not being cleaned, at least not on Lucy's watch. She loves to put the dryer sheets in and push the buttons to start the dryer. Just this week she has started to get bored and change things up. Instead of standing on the ground and handing me the clothes she now climbs in the dryer and sits on top of them and hands them out one by one. I think she does this because it is warm other than that she is just a goof ball. After all of the clothes are out she plays in the dryer...again, not sure why but oh well...

Jorja Porja is growing up!

So Jorja is big. She is now 4 months old and weighs 14lbs 5.5oz. She is also growing into her personality. She now plays with toys, tries to climb out of the bumbo and is starting to not like her carseat. Along with all of that I think she is starting to develop a consistent bedtime at night...woohoo!

This is "Bob Junior version 2.1" playing with her toys...

This is her trying to climb out of her bumbo and get the straw out of my cup. That bumbo lasted so much longer with Lucy...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We love the sun. My kids love being outside. Especially Lucy...owside...that is what it sounds like and that is all I hear all day. So Tuesday I picked the girls up from school and we played on the "big" playground. We usually play on the kindergarten playground but we moved up that day! The only hard thing was listening to "watch this mommy" from 4 kids and trying to do it all at once. Finally they just had to take turns.
Ellie was concentrating hard here. These rings went up hill...she did good.

Lucy loves to slide, she is always saying "slide down"

Abigail can now skip on the rings...I remember when that was a big deal when I was little.

Even Kylie got into it and humored me by letting me take her picture.

The Walk

On Monday my friend Kazie met me at the farm for lunch. She made an awesome salad and then we decided to go for a walk. A nice spring walk in the field sounded like a good idea. We loaded the two babies up in the stroller and off we went. It was beautiful and warm. The neighbors are doing some work in the field next to ours and so the trucks are in and out...with the wet lately there are ruts all over, so the road down was a bit bumpy...and it didn't get much better once we were down there. There is leftover stubble from the corn, big clumps of dirt from a few fields they have started to disk. Walking on it isn't a big deal but the poor babies trying to sleep got jostled from side to side...Jorja will make it through this life in least I hope! Not to mention that now that I have had all of these babies my feet have grown a ton, so the size 8.5 shoes I had on gave me a painful blister and we only walked for about 30 minutes. Thankfully Kazie came to the rescue with a bandaid that already had antibiotic ointment on it...those are pretty cool. So even thought the walk wasn't exactly the way I had it planned in my head it all turned out okay. We were able to enjoy the beautiful sun and the babies got a well needed nap.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The tank

As mean as it is "Tank" is one of our many nick names for Jorja. Our kids are all blessed with many nicknames. Jorja's include Jorja Porja, Porja Pie, Bob Jr. version 2.0 and tank. She was my biggest baby at birth and continues to break the record for weight for babies in our family. She is just a rolly poly little thing and I love her. You can't help but smile when you look at her. Enjoy!

My man!

I have determined that I have an awesome husband. I know he is the best although somedays I would like to strangle him, today is not one of those days. He was helpful today which is a bonus but he is a really good dad, so on those days where we get on each others nerves, he still has that going for him. He loves to cuddle on the couch with the girls, which is good because we know that all girls need that!

I am very blessed to have Bob as my sidekick for the rest of my life. I am excited to grow old with him.

The Children's Museum

If you haven't ever been to the Everett Children's Museum you must go. We love it. For $70 a year we can go an unlimited amount of times...all 7 of us!!! We met my sister and her kids there the other day

along with my friend Anjie and her son Jase

My kids all love the museum and they always are changing something. The newest thing that I loved was the bus...Lucy thinks she can drive big equipment

And Abigail and Ellie look so cute as little vets!

Our little jokester

Abigail A.K.A. Bob Junior version 1.0 She is the prankster of the family. On April fools day she switched the cereal from box to box. Kylie woke up that morning and went to pour herself some cheerios and ended up with raisin bran instead. She was not amused but Abi was rolling on the floor she loved it. She is always the one joking just like her dad it kills her to be serious. She loves to make people laugh and just like my dad she loves to make herself laugh. Here is her attempt at eating cake on Kylie's birthday.

Of course this was all just to get a laugh out of everyone...which she did. The best though was the other night when it backfired on Bob. He tucks them in every night and prays with them and does "huggies and kissies". They each have a routine that they do with daddy...I am not sure what that is but each Abi and Ellie have something different they do. Part of Bob's routine with Abi is that he rubs his cheek on her cheek and then kisses her on the cheek. So he goes into her room the other night and goes to kiss her cheek and it is all wet...she starts laughing hysterically, she has spit on her hands and rubbed it all over her face. He laughs, tells her it is gross and that he isn't going to kiss she wipes it off with her hands and says here daddy you can kiss me now, so as he kisses her she rubs the slobber that is all over her hands on his cheeks...LOL! He doesn't know what he has gotten himself into with her!

My first baby

We were invited to attend the wedding some close friends of ours on saturday. When I first met Jeremy and Cheri they were young kids, elementary and junior high age I believe. They are now old (early 20's!) and married! When I met them my first baby Kylie was 1...she is now 13 where does all that time go? Here is a picture of us at their wedding.

Kylie is my first baby. She will always be my baby no matter how old we both get. For those of you who aren't parents I am sure you don't understand it, but that is okay, maybe someday you will. I often think back on how cute and cuddly she was when she was little. I think of the stories of how when she was two if you asked her how old she was she would very sternly tell you "I'm seben". I remember the day she was helping boppa dig up a small tree in the yard and she was so proud of herself for getting dirty, she said "Mommy look, Bob will be so proud I got dirty" even though her shoes were still white! Yes I miss those days, sort of...but I am not sad that they are gone because we lived them well and these days she is just as much fun if not more fun than she was then. Now we shop together, play cards (and not go fish!) we can talk about things that are important to her, I can hear her hopes and her dreams and her determination. I know I won't be a perfect parent nor will she be the perfect child, but we will both live and learn and challange each other. Most of all she will always be my baby. I love the young lady she is growing into and I am so happy to be her mom.

Ellie's half birthday

In Ellie's class at school if you have a summer birthday you can choose to not celebrate or you can do it on your "half birthday". Ellie's half birthday came and went because I am a bad mom and forgot. She reminded me the other day and so I emailed her teacher as quick as I could and she let me bring in cupcakes. Her half birthday would have been January 21st...we ended up celebrating it at the end of March I REALLY forgot! So the night before I was supposed to bring the treats to her class she asks me "Mom, will I be 5 1/2 tomorrow or will I still be 5?" I didn't have the heart to tell her I forgot and that she was 5 1/2 a long time ago, so I told her, yes honey you will be 5 1/2. Someday she will know the truth when she is to bug to care.

Ellie sharing her cupcake with Lucy

Ellie with her half birthday crown...

The birthday girl close up

Jase Brodie Williams

So I am having issues with my camera hence the late post on this one...sorry Jase I still love ya buddy! I was proud to attend the adoption of this little man Jase. My best freind Anjie and her husband Brodie have wanted babies for a long time...since I was pregnant with Abigail and she is 7! Anjie is so much more patient than myself. She is such a loving laid back mom I was so honored to be present on the day of Jase's "birth" into the Williams family, even if it was in a legal sense. I was teary eyed when the judge proclaimed "From this day forward this child will be known as Jase Brodie Williams". A dream come true, a blessing to all and long wish of both Anjie and Brodies finally realized. I am so happy for you both! Congratulations!