Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stone Soup

Last year when Abigail was in Kindergarten they did a "play" called stone soup. So a few weeks ago when we had sun Abi, Ellie and Lucy made some "stone soup" in the backyard. Sticks, rocks, dirt and any other nasty thing they could find was included. Whoever thinks Bob doesn't have "boys" is wrong!


  1. What a great activity! I'm happy you started a blog. I think it's one of the best things for keeping a journal/family history. Doing one on paper just isn't the same. It's so nice to be able to put in photos, videos or links or whatever.

    Thank you for your comments. I've thought about you the past couple of days as I've driven along 522 from Monroe to the Eastside...Usually around the bridge overlooking where your land/home is. It was such a surprise to see you in your store after we took that balloon ride.

    Is this a sand and fire pit in your yard? It looks great!

  2. It is actually a fire pit with pebble gravel in it. The kids love to play in it though. It is at our house...which isn't the farm even though many people think we live there we don't Bob's parents do. He was raised there though!
