Thursday, December 8, 2011

Teaching at home

I have embarked on yet another year of teaching at home. I was never going to home school my kids. I barely made it through school who am I to teach my kids? I home schooled Ellie is 1st grade (2 years ago) and it went ok. I put her back in public school in 2nd grade with an amazing teacher who was so good to her. I put her in public school again (with the same amazing teacher) this year also. However this summer we learned a lot about little Miss Ellie Mae.

If I back up a bit last year she struggled in school, not so bad that she needed to be held back but she had a lot of anxiety about tests, she struggled to keep up and told me she felt dumb because she would always finish last. She didn't understand a lot of what was being taught, she struggled with reading comprehension. She would space out a lot and just had a lot of little "quirks" that led me to believe that something wasn't quite right. I knew she was smart, but it was seeming that she danced to the beat of a different drum and I didn't know the tune. It seemed as though she was stuck in her own body and not able to get out. She was sad a lot, had no self confidence and worried like mad to the point of tears about everything. All of this from a kid who is very loved and told and shown that day in and day out. From a kid to who had an amazing teacher that went out of her way to make school easier, fun and comfortable for her.

This past summer we went through a series of MANY tests to see if we could pin point Ellie's issues. I don't know what else to call them other than that, and she had (has) many of them. She was so sick of going to doctor after doctor (as was I)! We tested her for seizures, celiac disease, anemia, literacy problems and a ton more. We ruled many things out (seizures yay!) and got "diagnosed" with a few things. Now let me say I don't need a label for my child but I do need to know her needs so that I can know how to help her. She was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder which is very complex as you can imagine with all of the senses we have. She mainly has "defensive auditory dysfunction" which is basically she can't drown out noises and focus on one thing at a time. So if she is reading and there is ANY noise in the background (shuffling feet, crinkling paper, someone sniffing) her brain tells her it is all VERY important. She is overstimulated and hugely sensitive to (and by) all noises. She is often seen with her hands over her ears and if the noises get to be too much she will growl and scream to drown them out. Her body sends her the "flight or fight" responses to almost all noises that you would get if you were walking in a parking lot and someone honked, that feeling of being in danger. That is what her brain does to her for almost every sound. She is currently in Occupational Therapy for it doing and intense listening therapy.

Add to that dyspraxia which is also under sensory processing disorder. Dyspraxia is "an impairment or immaturity of the organisation of movement. It is an immaturity in the way that the brain processes information, which results in messages not being properly or fully transmitted. The word 'dyspraxia' comes from the Greek words 'dys', meaning impaired or abnormal, and 'praxis', meaning action or deed. Dyspraxia affects the planning of what to do and how to do it. It is associated with problems of perception, language and thought". Dyspraxia is described as having two main elements:
  • Ideational dyspraxia: difficulty with planning a sequence of coordinated movements.
  • Ideo-Motor dyspraxia: difficulty with executing a plan, even though it is known.
 "Developmental dyspraxia is difficulty getting our bodies to do what we want when we want them to do it", and that this difficulty can be considered significant when it interferes with the normal range of activities expected for a child of their age. In addition to the physical impairments, dyspraxia is associated with problems with memory, especially short-term memory. This typically results in difficulty remembering instructions, difficulty organizing one's time and remembering deadlines, increased propensity to lose things or problems carrying out tasks which require remembering several steps in sequence. So motor planning and ideation are the issues she has because of dyspraxia. She is also in OT for these. When her brain gets too many signals and gets overloaded (which happens many times a day) is when she has fits. Her fight or flight responses take over and she yells, is violent or runs away (to her room, alone time etc). We have been in therapy now for 4 months and we are just starting to see some improvements in her coping skills. SPD is a neurological problem. It doesn't go away and you don't grow out of it. With therapy you learn to cope better and recognize when you are getting overloaded and have a handle better on preventative maintenance. Left untreated it will get worse and harder for SPD to cope and live a normal life. She also has a few less impacting symptoms of SPD, she is really sensitive to smells and along with that either brings happiness or anxiety. If she smells something that she left at grandma's house she is extremely happy because it smells like grandma and she likes her. If we go anywhere near a public bathroom she immediately (even before smelling it) gets stressed out and almost hyperventilates. She refuses to use public bathrooms unless it is one she has been forced into before and knows it is ok. It has to be familiar to her like the "John Deere" potty at the farm or the bathroom at the Vision therapy clinic.

Vision Therapy, yep something else we had tested. I did think she needed to be tested because she could read so her eyes were fine right? Nope. She has 8 different things wrong with them. She is in vision therapy once a week and we do therapy 5 days a week at home. She also has glasses now for near work as she is far sighted and everything that is 12 inches or closer to her face is blurry or she sees double.

It now makes sense why she struggled in public school so bad. Now that she is home we have struggled to get into a routine that works well. One month in and I think we just may have found our groove. It has been a rough road figuring out how she ticks. We do a lot of things much different than "normal" but she seems to be learning. This post has gotten a lot longer that I thought it would be so I will end. I will come back and share how we do school, what I have learned about her learning style and the goals I have set for her (and myself) another day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Memorial Day weekend and few other random things.

It is Memorial Day weekend and we go camping in "2 more sleeps" as my kids say. Last year at camping I wasn't as strict about food dye because it was the beginning of our adventure but now that I have seen the results it will not graze my kids lips until they are all grown and out of the house if I have anything to say about it! So this year thanks to someone who commented on an earlier post I have stocked up on Wal-mart brand marshmallows. Dye free, normal size and only $1! Thankfully there is a Wal-mart not to far from where we stay so if I run out I can restock. We always bring junk food camping along with our good for you food and we are set on everything like frozen treats, smores and chocolate. I think I will make one more stop to Safeway for bulk gummy bears that are dye free. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend with the family.

For you gluten free people out there I think I have found the best gluten free flour known to man. It is called "Better Batter" and I made pizza crust last night that was amazing. Even Bob liked it. It was fluffy like normal pizza and not just an over sized cracker! I have even made cinnamon rolls with it before. And for all you who aren't a natural in the kitchen like me, I made the pizza crust following the directions and it turned out the first time! Their website has a ton of recipes too. So check it out if gluten makes you less than what you want to be!

One little story and I am done for the morning. I was driving back from taking my oldest to drivers ed AGAIN the other day. My 9 year old who is the pickiest thing in the world and likes only nasty processed food starting talk about our day. We had gone on a field trip with her class to Pike Place Market in Seattle. While there she wanted some of those yummy mini donuts, so I got her some as a treat. I had some too and they were not good, usually those donuts are but they were way too greasy. She ate more than she should have so as we were driving that evening she tells me, "Mom, I still feel like I could throw up form those donuts. I think they had too much grease. I don't usually eat bad stuff like that and I don't think my body likes it!" As I was doing cartwheels inside that yes some of this is sinking in, she continues, "Ya know I am eating a lot healthier lately mom, have you noticed? I used to go downstairs and sneak candy from the candy drawer all of the time (lol she is admitting it) but now I don't even want to, I would rather eat fruit!" Success! Such a breath of fresh air. Will she never eat bad again? No, and I don't expect that, I do desire though for my kids to know what real food is, and know how to eat it and enjoy it. Treats are so fun and rewarding when you know you have nourished  your body first and haven't gone overboard on the sugar when you do have it.

Lately my sweet tooth has been gone and I am craving more savory things, I think it is rubbing off on my kids! Yay!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My love...obsession with food!

Food, it is my love, passion, okay...maybe my obsession. I love everything that has to do with food. I love buying it, prepping it to be frozen, cooking it, finding the best prices on it, sharing it, and most of all eating it!

I work out usually 5 days a week at boot camp here in Snohomish. I love it. They have some eating suggestions for you and also some different programs you can do to achieve different results you are looking for. So I am on a 10 day cleanse, I have done it before as part of the 24 day challenge but this time I am just doing the cleanse getting all of the toxins out. There are strict eating guidelines while on this cleanse. No refined sugars, no wheat, no dairy, no red meat, no corn. You can have fruit, veggies, lean proteins, hummus, oatmeal, brown rice, so healthy complex carbs, healthy fats, etc you get the point. Really this shouldn't be that hard for me right? I eat pretty healthy, I love fruits and veggies, I got this, no problem!

PROBLEM! I love food, I mean I am obsessed about it. From when I wake up until I go to bed I think about it. My morning starts by feeding my 5 girls breakfast and making 3 lunches to take to school because the food there, well it isn't food. The next thing I have to think of is what to make for dinner because if I don't we will go homeless eating out all of the time. Which by the way isn't a treat really anymore when you have to practically go into the kitchen of the restaurant to make sure nothing has food dye or gluten. Add in grocery shopping, planning meals, eating for myself and all I think about is food.

I have discovered in these last 5 days (the first half of the cleanse) which has felt like an eternity, just how much I am addicted to sugar! Seriously I knew I loved the stuff but wow I think about it more now that I can't have it for these short (well for some people) 10 days. I don't pig out on sugar but I do need to have it everyday. Dark Chocolate is my favorite and I just need a little. I feel like a drug addict rationalizing reasons why it is ok to have just a little fix. I haven't cheated and I am proud. I feel better and this isn't for forever (even though it seems like it right now) and soon I will be back in the land of sugar, I will regulate hopefully a little better. I do know that after not having sugar for 10 days everything will taste sweeter when I do have it.

So I have been eating tons of raw food. Which I love of course because I am obsessed in case you missed that earlier. It is amazing the creative things that you come up with to eat when some foods are off limits. I love hummus and usually have it with multi grain chips, but chips are a no-no right now, so I tried them with celery...too watery...carrots, AMAZING! So every day I have been eating anywhere from a half of a pound to a whole pound of carrots. See I told you I was obsessed! And the hummus is so flavorful you don't need that much at all.

I am also an over eater. I know it seems a little weird because I am "little" but really I overeat often. I texted one of my trainers from boot camp today to ask if sweet potatoes were okay to eat on the cleanse because you guessed it, I love them! She said "Yes but don't OD on them!" PL, you know me too well! I didn't OD though, I probably would have but my 9 year old who doesn't like any veggies really loves sweet potatoes and ate more than half the pan!

All of this to say that in my days of reflection I feel much better when my diet is 50% or more raw food, and this cleanse has reminded me of that. To keep up on the same eating when the cleanse is over and not forget how much I love raw food and how good it is for me, well that is the reason for this random blog tonight.

So I leave you with my 3 favorite cleanse approved foods that I couldn't survive without...
#1 Carrots with hummus, my favorite is Trader Joe's Mediterranean hummus.
#2 Granny Smith apples with Adam's All Natural chunky peanut butter
#3 Popcorn, cooked on your stove top, or "Lori Pelham Popcorn" as we farm folk affectionately call it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

If I could start all over again

I don't really live life with regrets. Not that I am perfect and have made no mistakes but I feel that the mistakes I have made have shaped me into the person I am today. And though I don't like to run around bragging about my mistakes I do like to at least learn something from them. So today I am dedicating this blog to what I would have done different with food and my kids had I known at the start what I know now.

Food wasn't an issue for me with my oldest, she was a sick, SICK child and so she barely ate. Lucky for me when she did eat she liked fruits and veggies and still does to this day. My second and third baby who were 21 months apart, I feed them the way I thought was right and healthy. Although this way isn't necessarily "bad" it lacked "health" for the most part. I bought into the "rice cereal at 4 months, baby food in stages" gimmick of the brand name baby food companies. I am not blaming here, I was a mom who was responsible for my children and I didn't do my research. My kids grew happy and right on target according to their pediatrician. Babies 4 and 5 however I had a different approach with. Lucy #4 only nursed until she was 9 months (not by my choice the kid refused food) and then went straight to table food. She was repulsed by the texture of baby food. When she did go to table food I fed her different than the first three. One of her first foods was avocado, she still loves it to this day. Bananas, grapes (quartered of course!) broccoli, carrots she ate them all. So when Jorja started eating at a much earlier age I finally made all of my baby food at home. It felt so good to know what she was getting and knowing it was healthy.

The other day I begged my two "big kids" to try avocado knowing that they would love it like the rest of us. They refused...I was sad. I love it and it was then that I thought to myself, if only I had given it to them at a young age they would more than likely love it now. So does that mean anything you feed your kids as infants they will love when they get older? No! But half the battle for me is getting them to try something new, so if they have had it before, even if they don't remember, it is less scary for them to try it now. So feeding my kids more fruits and vegetables at a younger age would be my #1 thing I would do if I could start all over again.

#2 Would be to not introduce cereal, or at least sugar cereal to them. I love food, and I love cereal. It is the biggest thing I miss about being dairy free. For some reason Alpha-bits (my favorite) just doesn't taste good with rice, hazelnut or coconut milk! Cereal has always been a staple in our house and it was a very acceptable form of breakfast everyday no matter the ingredients or sugar content. It was even dinner some days when I was too busy or just plain lazy. There are some "OK" cereals out there but for the most part they have no nutritional value to them. I would have been better off to introduce it as a treat or special occasion type thing. I am happy to say however that we rarely eat cereal anymore. "Rarely" based on what we used to. Maybe two times a week and only cereal that is low on the sugar side.

I have recently heard 2 things from friends that made it all click in my head and give me one of those "ah-ha" moments. One was from my friend Jana who said "We don't need to teach our kids to eat bad, that comes naturally, but we need to teach them to eat healthy". The light bulb came on and it made total sense. It is easy to eat bad, why do bad things come natural to us? That is a whole different topic but YES I need to teach my kids how to eat well, balanced, healthy meals, they will figure out the "bad for you but tastes good" stuff easy enough on their own. Which leads to the second thing my dear friend Leah has started doing with her kids. When they want something to eat that isn't so healthy but is a snack food, like pretzels for example. She has them look at the nutrition label and see what a serving is, say it is 30 pretzels, she has them count them out and only eat that many. So easy yet I have never thought of it. I know I need help with portions and healthy eating habits. So to teach them to not just sit down with the bag and eat because they can but to be aware of not only what they are eating but how much,

So I can't go back and start over, which is good, I am not sure I have the energy for that! But to start where I am and make little changes one at a time to help myself and my family to be a healthier version of ourselves one bite at a time!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Two new gluten free finds!

I have found two new gluten free foods that I am in love with. It is exciting and scary all at the same time when this happens. Exciting because I feel like I am normal and can actually go to a store and buy something that doesn't make feel "left out" and have it taste amazing. Scary because when it tastes as amazing as these two things I know I will eat more at each sitting than I should, but I love food so I over indulge at times!

My first find is gluten free tortillas. They are made by French Meadow Bakery and I found them at Safeway in the frozen section on an end cap. They aren't huge that is for sure and they aren't cheap but they are SO worth it. They are about the same size as a corn tortilla. My suggestion is to take out as many as you will need for the one meal you are cooking and let them thaw at room temperature. Then put a little (and I mean little) oil or butter or whatever you prefer in a pan on medium heat and lightly brown each side. As they heat up you will be able to tell that they are becoming more soft and pliable. Be careful though, they break easy. I haven't had anything in my last two years of being gluten free that tastes this good and maybe even better than the original it is replacing. The cost is $5.99/ package but Safeway has them on sale sometimes and I believe I have found coupons for them before.

Find #2 is from the brand Enjoy Life. They make soft baked cookies that are sold in a box at most super markets. I have had the snicker doodle one before and it was good, not anything to write home about but if you are in the mood for snicker doodles they will fill your craving. BUT I was at the Mt. Vernon food co-op the other day and I found a new flavor I had never seen before, "Lively Lemon"...I LOVE lemon...I love these cookies! Soft, really lemony, and they have these little yellow bits of lemon in them that I am sure are sugar coated but make the cookie pop. I think the box cost $3.99 and comes with 12 small (maybe 1.5 inch) cookies in them. I have eaten over half of the box since yesterday and they only reason I had any self control is because I have had to share with my 7 year old who is gluten free also. I am glad I haven't found them anywhere closer as of yet because I know I would eat too many. But I can guarantee that every time I am in Mt. Vernon I will be stopping at the food co-op to get some!

Speaking of the food co-op if you ever get a chance to get up there it is a neat place. They have an in house bakery, deli etc that you can buy lunch at and plenty of seating. In the bakery they had a chocolate hazelnut torte that was $2.25/slice and was very moist and tasty. My daughter even liked it and she is the most snobby gluten free person I know. So there ya go, two new things to try!

My "plan" for a food dye free Easter...

I am a planner and have formulated one for Easter. I am sure that this will not go off without a hitch, after all I have 5 kids! I am preparing myself for something to come up that I didn't think of and there to be a little issue with attitude maybe from one of my "poor candyless" children. But I will go on with my super mom cape and swoop down and intercept any food dye that may be tempted to turn my children into bi-polar, two headed, horned monsters! I hope you sense the sarcasm in at least the first half of the sentence, the second half, well that is reality I tell you!

Off I went to Trader Joe's today because at Christmas I was able to find some fruity colored candy that was all natural in its flavors and colors. Today was just as successful! I found Trader Joe's "Bunny Gummy Tummies". They are gummy candy with a liquid type filling in their tummies. The 7oz. package was $1.99, so I got 2 so there was enough to go around our house.  I have had the penguin ones from there before and they were great. I also found Trader Joe's Gourmet Jelly Beans, they have 18 natural flavors in the 15oz package and sell for $3.99. I had their 3 flavor/color mix at Christmas and it was good. They also had "spice drop type" candies. They were a citrus mix which I also have had before and I like them a lot. I don't know the price because I didn't buy them today.  I found all of these candies on the shelves about the frozen food.

So here is my plan, I am taking my kids to our church, Canyon Creek Church (for any of you who want to join us)  for the Easter egg hunt and I plan on letting them hunt with everyone. After the hunt we will find one or two eggs that are chocolate with no dye in them and let them eat them. Then they don't get anymore candy until we get home. Once we get home I will help my kids (especially the babies) go through their eggs and keep all of the "approved" candy and then the stuff with dye will stay in its egg and be given to me. My plan is then to empty out all of the dye filled candy and refill the eggs with the new candy I got today. I will then have a second egg hunt for them at my house with the newly filled eggs. My kids are the kind of kids that will re hide eggs 80 times even when they are empty so I know they will enjoy it. I am hoping this alleviates any of the big issues.

I would love to hear any ideas anyone else has so please share!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Natural Food Dye FUN!

I didn't want the holidays to come and go just with plain old white cookies, candies and treats. I love to make things with my girls and Christmas cookies are a tradition. I found and fell in love. My head started spinning with things we could make colorful but also safe for my kids. Here are our Christmas cookies with colored frosting and sprinkles!

We also made suckers with colors galore! We barely ate any of them, but we had fun making them and coloring them.

I bought some "sugar in the raw" because the granules are bigger and we made our own sprinkles for our cookies. I have since put them in Ziploc bags and we decorate cupcakes, cakes and even sprinkle some on our whip cream on the special occasions that we have whip cream.

I do have to say that the natural food dye is a little different than the standard food dye you are used to. It is thicker. So before when I wanted to make colored sugar I would put it in a Ziploc bag, add a few drops of dye, seal it and shake it and be done. With the natural dye you have to "massage" it a little in between shakes. It isn't hard just a different method than I used before. The colors are also more earth tones, which is to be expected. Although I don't have a picture I made my girls chocolate pudding for a dessert for valentines day and put the red natural food dye in some whip cream and they had pink whip cream on their pudding. It was the highlight of their night. We plan on making some cool things this week for Easter too!

Bus Breakfast

My kids had some friends stay the night last night. They got up this morning and asked for "bus breakfast" for breakfast. I didn't know what bus breakfast was at first, the more I thought about it I finally figured it out. This last week my kids have been using a chart to get ready so I don't have to nag them. It has worked well except they do everything on their chart and then realize they only have 5 minutes left for breakfast before the bus comes. We love smoothies and so I have been making them for the girls to take on the bus. So all this week the girls have had toast (gluten free for Ellie, whole wheat for Abi) and a 16oz smoothie. Here is our recipe, although I don't measure I just eyeball it. You can substitute for anything you like.

1 whole banana
1 cup frozen bananas or strawberries
3/4 cup plain yogurt (coconut yogurt if you prefer or are dairy free)
1/2 cup coconut milk keifer (Fred Meyer, Whole Foods)

Optional-vanilla, cinnamon, agave. I add these if the berries aren't as sweet or it is for a dessert, you only need a little.

Blend it up in your magic bullet or with a stick blender.

Here is a picture I made of a dessert one, I added a little whip cream and some spearmint leaves for looks.

Friday, April 15, 2011

From bargain to health

I used to be a bargain shopper, I mean who doesn't like saving money? I was one of those coupon ladies that you didn't want to get behind in line. Granted there were many "couponers" much better than I could ever dream of but I did alright. Then food dye and I feel out of love with each other and my family's eating habits change big time. I have been doing a lot reflecting this week over all of the changes we have made in this last year.

One year ago in my garage you would have found about 150 granola bars (the super healthy Quaker ones with HFC), about 100 boxes of cereal and fruit snacks galore. I would have gotten them at a super good deal if not free of course so why not get a ton right?!

So this week I found myself stalking up on mango's! I love mango's, they were on a good sale so I bought 42 of them! I know overboard, but not really. I am going to cut them, freeze them and make ice cream out of them. Yep just frozen mango pureed and it is amazing, and amazingly healthy.

Our journey with food dye has lead us to healthier eating, no more cereal for breakfast or lazy nights for dinner. No ice cream galore, well except our healthy homemade kind. We aren't total health nuts (well maybe) but we just don't need to indulge in the sugar all of the time.

We eat a lot of raw food and I love it. It makes me feel so good when I send my kids off to school now knowing that they have had a healthy breakfast eating real food with good for their body nutrients in it. So no, my grocery bill isn't as low as it used to be, but I have learned moderation, I have learned that price isn't the bottom line but growing healthy kids that have a good foundation is very rewarding. We were somewhere last week and we were eating less than healthy, which is ok now and then for a treat and my girls (who usually would inhale fast food) barely ate anything. As soon as we got home they all said they were starving and went straight to the fridge and ate fruit, of their own free will. That was a proud mom moment.

I am proud of the changes we have made as a family, I am grateful that I haven't had to drag my kids down this path kicking and screaming the whole way. There has been resistance at times but they love eating fruit and even some veggies. My two little ones eat the most veggies of anyone, I wish I would have started giving them to my bigger kids as infants I think that would have made a difference.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Artificial food dye free foods!

So I scanned the world, or at least my immediate part of it for food that is still "approved" for our house. I never thought I would be one of those food snobs but alas I am, and I am not ashamed. So here is some short lists of what I have found. I will try to categorize it. These will be short lists for now I don't want to put it on here if I am not 100% sure. Keep in mind they change labels often so ALWAYS double check before you buy.

Disclaimer: The food dyes that I am talking about here are FD&C Blue #1 etc. They sometimes just say Red 40 or something like that. They will always have a color and number. There are other food additives or preservatives, but right now I am just focusing on artificial food dyes, they are the ones that makes my kids crazy! Just because it is a white or light color doesn't mean it is safe, read, read, read!
Cereal-Everything below is dye free, other labels will be GF= gluten free, HFCF= High Fructose Corn Syrup Free
Kix (HFCF)
Cheerios (HFCF)
Corn Chex (HFCF), GF
Honey Nut chex (HFCF), GF
Rice Krispies (HFCF)
Cocoa Krispies (HFCF)
Cocoa pebbles
Cocoa Puffs
Frosted Flakes
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Honey Nut Cheerios
Chocolate Cheerios
Cookie Crisp
Mom's Best Naturals (Below) are the most like Lucky Charms and are on sale often at QFC for $1.00

A general rule of thumb for cereal, if it is colored it has food dye. If the box is bright it has food dye, think Trix, Lucky Charms, Apple Jacks etc.

*Mentos (only the candy, not the gum)
*Fred Meyer carries bulk "Sun Drops" that are natural colored M&M type candies. They also have "gummy slice" type things in the bulk section that are dye free
*Treetop fruit snacks (big box at Costco)
*Yummy Earth Organic candy (lollipops, gummy bears, gummy worms, hard candy pieces)
*Haribo Fruity-Frutti (I found these at World Market)

*Haribo Fizzy Colas (remember those?!)

Yogurt-You have to be very careful with yogurt!
Tillamook yogurt is all food dye free to the best of my knowledge.
Yoplait you have to read every label, the Orange Creme one has no food dye but the Key Lime Pie does.
Simply gogurt (sold in bulk at Costco or at any grocery store)

Mac and Cheese
Annie's Organic makes a dye free mac and cheese.
Kraft has a "home style" mac and cheese that is dye free, but be careful with Kraft they are tricky at times so read the label.

My brain is tapped for the night on this. However I want to give you a short list of foods to watch that you would probably never guess it is in. Again this is not an exhaustive list but just what is on the top of my head.

White marshmallows
Nature Valley sweet & salty bars (Grrr...still mad about that one!)
Pillsbury Crescent rolls
Cinnamon Chex
Dressings and BBQ sauces (not all but some)
Canned fruit (some)
Fruit Juice (a lot of them have it)
Mouth wash
Chili (especially "Cheddar" flavors)
Cake mixes
Butterscotch chips
Processed items you should ALWAYS check

If there is a category missing that you want info on please let me know!

The best stores for dye free and more natural stuff that I frequent are...
Whole foods
Trader Joe's
Janell's Gluten Free Market
Sno-Isle Food Co-op
Fred Meyer/QFC
Top Foods and Safeway are getting better about their natural food section also.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have an obsession, it is a new one to add to my long list of previous obsessions...reading labels. I mean I have been reading labels for about a year now to check for food dye, but that really isn't that much fun. My new label reading addiction started after I read "In defense of food" by Micheal Pollan. Let me clarify, I am not that much into reading and have developed ADD as an adult, or maybe that is just my excuse for impatience, anyway I read the book, the parts that I wanted to know about. I didn't really care about any of it except the last 1/3 of the book. His mantra in the book is "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants". I wanted to know what he meant by those 7 words so that the part I read. I recommend you read it, or if you are like me with a short attention span and just want to get to the point, skip to the last 3rd of the book. There was a lot of good stuff in there. The part that has stuck with me talked about eating food, not processed "food like" substances. Makes sense, then he said "If it is something that you can't pronounce or your great grandma wouldn't recognize as food, chances are it isn't food. Revelation...I know I have a simple mind.

Off the grocery store I went and I picked up a tub of sour cream. Darigold, whom I have always thought of as a good brand, well respected had around 12 ingredients in their tub of sour cream. That really is par for the course with most sour creams and yogurts. However I kept reading tubs and came across Daisy sour cream, I feel like the angels sang when I read the label, don't laugh, ya know what it said? "Grade A Cultered Cream" WooHoo! Food I found food! Not that sour cream is all that healthy for you but come on if you are going to have it wouldn't you rather have cream than chemicals? It is now like an Easter egg hunt for me. Find things my family likes to eat, all with ingredients I can pronoun and find the one with the fewest ingredients. Yougurt is another one, Greek God yogurt with a little agave and cinnamon in it is to die for. No, I am not supposed to have dairy, it makes my sinuses swell but I tried it, I am in love, and I won't eat it often but man it is worth it!

I have slowly cut nasty chemicals out of my family's diet one by one. Sucralose is my #1 most hated artificial sweetener and come hell or high water it is not coming in my house. Drastic I know but for one its aftertaste is the most nasty flavor. As if that wasn't enough to stop me sucralose starts out as sugar and they process it so much and add chlorine to it. Many "health foods" have sucralose in it. Many weight loss supplements have it too. Matter of fact here is what one weight loss place says about sucralose..."Sucralose is a sweetener made from table sugar (sucrose) by chlorinating it in three positions on the molecule." They even said it, it is chlorinated thanks.

I have also targeted high fructose corn syrup. Many things wrong with it too. The ratio of sucrose and fructose has been altered so it is much harder for our bodies to digest and process. Not to mention a random study was done of 20 high fructose corn syrup manufacturers and 9 out of the 20 came back with detectable amounts of mercury in them. I guess it happens during one of the three ways they use to make it "high" fructose corn syrup instead of regular corn syrup. Which of course is natural. This I am finding is MUCH harder to cut out of our diet. The one die hard bad habit in our family is cereal...and yes I love it so do my kids and my husband. I just told my kids tonight that whatever cereal we have that has it in it they better enjoy because they won't get it anymore. I will let them have it once in a while on special occasions but really it has no nutritional value. It should be used as a treat and not a meal. So slowly but surely we plug away at being a healthier house. And really it all boils down to eat food. So that is the effort I am making, would my great grandma know that this is food? If she would, chances are it probably is.

I have to admit that the last week and a half I have been eating horrible. Dairy and gluten which my body does NOT like, too much sugar and too big of portions and I feel horrible. Granted it all tasted really good, but I am tired, chubby and moody. It is easy to eat bad so the way I feel tonight encourages me to do better for my family and teach them how to eat right, now at a young age.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

One year food dye free!

Well folks I can honestly say I had no clue we would be where we are as a family today one year ago. Let me take you back. One year ago my ever loving 6 year old with a heart of gold and compassion for all had me at the brink of sanity. Really how sane is someone with 5 girls running around her house you ask? It is par for the course here and I wouldn't change it for the world...well except that my 6 year old the loving child would randomly change into this monster that no one liked for no apparent reason with no warning making us all want to run away. Like it or nor, loving or not, "Christ-like" or not we would nick name her (not to her face) the spawn of satan, yes it was that bad. It had been that bad for 3 years and I was fed up! This is not how life was supposed to be and I was not ready to settle for this for my daughter who deserved so much of a better life. A friend had told me about her kids who back in the day had ADD and bi-polar. I was strongly against medicating for these things, not that some kids don't need it, some do, but the majority of kids that are just thrown on it as a solution for someone wanting a quick fix and not taking the work to get to the root of the problem, that is what I am against. All that being said I was losing my ever loving mind and walking on egg shells around this kid to the detriment of the rest of my family...I was ready to get meds and I wanted them now!

That led me to my friend Pam who's kids I mentioned before. I will be honest when she said cut out the food dye I was thinking "really? That sounds crazy and not to mention a lot of work!" At the urging of my dad I just checked it out on line. Sure enough I found a blog of a mom going through the same thing as me with her son. The next day I took my little sweet Ellie and we went through the whole house and garage and read every label (talk about going cross eyed!) and rid our house of all of the food dye. Initially this was going to be a one month trial. After about 6 weeks my skeptical husband said to me, "do you notice the difference in Ellie? I haven't seen one of her bi-polar fits in a while." It was then that I realized I hadn't noticed the change because I was still so on edge just waiting for the next fit to come. But she had not had another fit since we eliminated food dye. I was in shock.

I would like to say it has been an easy road and we are all jumping for joy about not having food dye. Not so much. It is in everything, white marshmallows, Pillsbury crescent rolls to name a couple. I think I have become obsessive compulsive about reading labels, it really is an addiction now. We have had MANY a time where food dye has gotten in from either from her sneaking it and me finding a food dye wrapper cemetery under her bed or someone not reading a label and just blindly giving her something with dye. I has happened many times, more than I wish but I have discovered the "life cycle" of food dye in Ellie's body. I am sure it is different for each kid, but for Ellie the effects are not fully gone for 48 hours. It is a horrible 48 hours too! But we have made it through all holidays but favorite candy holiday to be honest. Easter is fast upon us, it is late this year hence being food dye free for one year and not having Easter yet. I love food, especially sugar, and yes I know the real meaning of Easter and it has nothing to do with candy. I am already plotting how to get through the egg hunt with nothing sneaking in. It is so tempting for kids (or adults) when something you want so bad is in front of your face. I do have to say I have noticed in the last 2 weeks though that if my kids are given something that has food dye in it by someone and I see it and say, "oh that has food dye" I don't have to tell them to stop eating it, there eyes get huge and immediately through it away. This is a HUGE milestone for us. This will get easier and easier as we get more and more used to it. We have had some funny moments and hard moments through it all this last year but it has been all worth every one of them. I will be okay with my 3 year old asking me "Does this have food dye?" about EVERYTHING she sees, or my 2 year old running through a store chanting "I like food dye" means they are listening to me!

Not only has cutting out food dye led to a mentally better life for Ellie and our whole family, it has lead to a healthier eating style for all of us. Ellie is gluten free (I will talk about that another day) and was dairy free for a few months. We have cut out high fructose corn syrup, sucralose (which I think is so nasty) and many other things with more things to follow I am sure. My motto is one thing at a time. I have seen huge improvements in Ellie's temper, fits, communication, school work and thought process all just by cutting out food dye. There is so much more I could say, and so much I have already said. I guess my one piece of advice for anyone wanting to cut out food dye or any other thing from your life would be, take it one step at a time. If you have no limits on your diet don't try and cut out everything at once. It is SO overwhelming. Start with one thing and do it until you are comfortable and feel like you have a handle on it. Then target your next thing. If you do it all at once you will more than likely fail because it is so much of an adjustment.

I have been asked by several people to write about my family's food journey. So that is what I am attempting here on my blog. I am by no means a professional at any of this, I am not perfect, don't have all of the answers and sometimes get lazy and have an "I just don't have the energy to care right now" kind of attitude at times. My goal is to share my food journey's with anyone who is interested and hoping to help someone like I was helped by others.

I will be posting more often and I have a lot on my mind to share. If there is a specific thing that you would like to know about let me know and if I have dealt with it I will share my experience. I would also love to know what you have found on your food journey, I am a sponge and want to soak up all information and tips I can to make my family as healthy as it can be.